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All episodes by Jenny Miller

Jul 14, 2023 •

Inside Robo-debt: The Mother

There is one story that had radiated through the witness list at the robo-debt royal commission, which profoundly altered the shape of that inquiry: the story of Rhys Cauzzo.

One woman, his mother, Jenny Miller, never gave up on finding the truth about what happened to her son.

Feb 28, 2023 •

Exposing robo-debt: Why Rhys Cauzzo’s mother never gave up

Rhys Cauzzo was one of hundreds of thousands of Australians who received unlawful and false debt notices under robo-debt. The 28-year-old died by suicide in January of 2017, as debt collectors pursued him for $17,000 dollars.

After his death, his mother Jenny began to unravel just how many debt notices Rhys had received, and she decided to go public – speaking to The Saturday Paper about what happened to her son.

1498: Peter Dutton, Donald Trump Jr and the Australian weapons mogul