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Nov 12, 2021 • 16m 40s

COP26: Have we missed our moment?

After two weeks, COP26, the international climate summit in Glasgow is wrapping up. The primary goal of the conference was to reach a consensus that would keep levels of global warming below 1.5 degrees needed to avoid catastrophic climate change. So has it worked? Today, climate scientist Joëlle Gergis, on what happened at COP26 and what it means for the fate of our planet.

Oct 29, 2021 • 15m 35s

A climate change election?

After an agreement was struck with his National party colleagues, Prime Minister Scott Morrison will bring with him a carry-on luggage sized climate policy to COP26 in Glasgow. With an election on the horizon, Labor has branded his agreement as “a steaming pile of nothingness”. Today, Paul Bongiorno on the problems with Scott Morrison’s climate plan.

Oct 28, 2021 • 16m 40s

How Australia could wreck the Glasgow climate summit

Right now, world leaders are gearing up for the COP26 climate summit. While many developed nations are preparing to commit to strong emissions reduction targets, Australia remains an outlier. Today,Mike Seccombeon how Australia might undermine global efforts to stop runaway climate change.

Oct 15, 2021 • 16m 45s

From a lump of coal to net-zero: Morrison’s climate makeover

Four years ago Prime Minister Scott Morrison wielded a lump of coal in the Australian Parliament, demonstrating his commitment to fossil fuels. Now he’s trying to pivot, shifting his government towards a position of supporting net-zero emissions by 2050. Today, Paul Bongiorno on Scott Morrison’s newfound enthusiasm for net zero, and whether his own ministers will back him.

Oct 7, 2021 • 16m 50s

Inside the Coalition’s climate war

The Prime Minister Scott Morrison has so far refused growing international pressure to commit to net zero emissions by 2050. Now he’s facing a concerted push from MPs in his own party to embrace the policy. But on the other side of the Coalition, right-wing Nationals are refusing to budge. Today, Mike Seccombe on how climate politics has wedged Scott Morrison.

1480: Saturday special: Albanese's election plans