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Jun 23, 2021 • 16m 30s

The world’s first pandemic games

Tens of thousands of athletes and officials are about to descend on Tokyo as the city prepares to host the 32nd Olympic games. But with Covid-19 cases surging in Japan, health experts and the majority of the Japanese public are opposed to the event being held at all. Today, Kieran Pender on the vested interests behind this pandemic Olympics.

Feb 2, 2021 • 16m 27s

The world is embracing climate action. Why isn't Australia?

All over the world governments are abandoning fossil fuels like coal and gas, and embracing renewable energy, leaving Australia isolated and economically vulnerable. Today, Mike Seccombe on the new climate policies sweeping the globe and how Australia is already being left behind.

1498: Peter Dutton, Donald Trump Jr and the Australian weapons mogul