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Dec 6, 2021 • 16m 35s

A spy scandal and a secret trial

The former attorney-general for the ACT, Bernard Collaery, has been charged with conspiracy, but the details of the case have been hidden from journalists and the public. Today, senior lawyer for the Human Rights Law Centre, Kieran Pender, on the trial of Bernard Collaery, and why the government is trying so hard to keep it as secret as possible.

Jun 7, 2021 • 18m 28s

The Australian spy novelist charged with espionage in China

Australian writer Yang Hengjun has been detained by the Chinese government since 2019. He’s been charged with espionage offences and could face the death penalty. Today, Linda Jaivin on the mysterious case of Yang Hengjun and what his treatment says about the Chinese government's approach to human rights.

Nov 14, 2019 • 15m 04s

ASIO officers broke law on warrant

We don’t know what exactly happened or what ASIO was investigating; those details are secret. We do know that early last year the spy agency broke the law while conducting an operation.

1498: Peter Dutton, Donald Trump Jr and the Australian weapons mogul