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All episodes by Peter Doherty

Dec 15, 2022 •

How are we having another Covid wave?

Today, Nobel laureate Professor Peter Doherty on what we can still learn from Covid and what it’s teaching us about the future of global pandemics.

Nov 3, 2021 • 15m 45s

Nobel prize winner Peter Doherty on the end of the pandemic

With international travel resuming and our biggest states re-opening, life in Australia is finally returning to normal. So, is this really the beginning of the end of the Covid-19 pandemic? Today, Peter Doherty on what surprised him most about the pandemic, and what we should expect in the months to come.

Apr 2, 2020 • 16m 15s

A Nobel prize winner explains coronavirus

Professor Peter Doherty won the Nobel prize for his research on how our bodies fight off viruses. Today, we ask him what makes Covid-19 different from other infections, and what we should be doing now to prepare for the next pandemic.

1498: Peter Dutton, Donald Trump Jr and the Australian weapons mogul